This year – and every year – we need your support.
When you donate to the DMH Foundation, you are helping create a stronger healthcare system and a more vibrant community resource.
Your entire gift supports improvements that would likely not otherwise be possible, from modernizing technology and facilities to expanding education and healthcare access and equipment, improving the lives of everyone who walks through our doors.
Your donations go right to work, right here in our community — for a lasting impact that transforms the lives of all those we serve.
Please contact the Foundation if you would like to make a charitable donation, a gift option, or explore the many benefits of charitable gift planning. See the link for the Donation form and/or the Planned Giving Brochure that you can print and mail or email back to us with your donation.
Contact Info:
Daniels Memorial Healthcare Foundation
105 5th Ave.
PO Box 81
Scobey, MT 59263
Tel: 1-406-487-5700